
Monday, November 14, 2011

Ilya, Diaspora co-founder, dead at 22. Shocking.

Followers of my Amplog know that I was a big fan of Diaspora, the attempt to create a p2p social network in response to Facebooks continuing violations of common sense ethics.

Now I found out that Ilya has died over the weekend, and I'm stunned.

I'd noticed that he had suddenly resigned from Diaspora recently. It must have been a prelude to this news.

I got a t-shirt as swag from them for my $25 contribution to the project via Kickstarter. I'll be wearing the t-shirt all day today in remembrance of him.

I'm sure there will be more news later from somewhere, and I'll try to keep you updated.

Amplify’d from

Ilya Zhitomirskiy, the co-founder of the open-source Facebook alternative Diaspora, has died at the age of 22. The cause of death is not yet publicly known.

Zhitomirskiy, along with Dan Grippi, Maxwell Salzberg and Raphael Sofaer, created the open-source software as part of a project while they were students at New York University. Diaspora was created as a response to Facebook’s controversial privacy changes in 2010. The team was able to raise $200,000 on Kickstarter to launch the project.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to Zhitomirskiy’s family and friends.


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